- Manuscripts in the Printing Shop. Though no manuscripts sent to the printing shop survive of the dramatic texts about which early analytical bibliographers speculated so intensely, recent scholarship has increasingly paid attention to surviving examples from other genres, countries and centuries; see Lotte Hellinga, ‘Compositors and Editors: Preparing Texts for Printing in the Fifteenth Century’, Gutenberg Jahrbuch (2000), pp. 152-159. A summary of recent scholarship relating to Fifteenth-Century books is provided in Margaret Lane Ford, ‘Author’s Autograph and Printer’s Copy: Werner Rolewinck’s Paradisus Conscientiae’, in Incunabula: Studies in Fifteenth-Century Printed Books presented to Lotte Hellinga, edited by Martin Davies (London, The British Library, 1999, pp. 109-128), while examples relating to books in Italian are described in Paolo Trovato, ‘Per un censimento dei manoscritti di tipografia in volgare (1470-1600)’, in Il libro di poesia dal copista al tipografo, a cura di Amedeo Quondam e Marco Santagata (Modena, Panini, 1989, pp. 43-81), reprinted and updated, with the title ‘Manoscritti volgari in tipografia’, in Idem, L’ordine dei tipografi: lettori, stampatori, correttori tra Quattro e Cinquecento (Roma, Bulzoni, 1998), pp. 175-196.